According to Assistant Principal Doug Bird, this school uses the School Messenger system, a mass emailing and phone call system, to inform parents about potential winter weather delays, as shown by a recent example on Feb. 19.
“Last week, we were concerned that we were going to have a two hour delay the same day as a PLC late start day. One thing we had to keep in mind is whether or not parents and students were going to be confused because of the two-hour delay or whether or not we were going to have an additional late start,” Bird said. “So we sent out an email to all the parents the night before, saying that there would just be a regular two hour delay without the additional late start because we couldn’t afford to lose any more school than that.”
Additionally, Bird said administrators also use the School Messenger system to remind parents about other significant events happening around the building and grounds, such as scheduling deadlines and scholarship opportunities.
“I think since we’ve had the School Messenger system for a couple years now, we try to use that as often we can just to share whatever information we have, whether that’s in regards to weather or anything that comes up. I sent one today, for example, to remind parents to sit down with the students to look over the course requests for next year because one of the deadlines that’s coming up is March 1.”

Students here, such as junior Rachel Krieger, say they agree with Bird on the speed and accessibility of the School Messenger system and utilize it at home.
Krieger said, “I think it’s useful and convenient because (the system) lets us know if we have a delay ahead of time, so we don’t have to wake up and get ready for school and realize that we actually have no school.”
For more information about winter weather preparations, click here.