What is it like jumping over a jump?
It’s really nerve-wracking because my horse is really small, smaller than the rest of them, but I know he can do it.
Describe your first horse show.
My first horseshow ever I had a little white pony named Lacy. All I remember is I might have fallen off once or twice. All I know is that that pony was terrible.
What was your reaction when you fell off Lacy?
At first I was just kind of like, “What’s happening here? I’m on the ground and the pony is running away.
What’s the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you while riding?
Probably when I was just kind of riding (Lacy) around out in the field and I was in the back corner of it. All of a sudden she just takes off towards the barn and I was like, “Oh crap, what do I do?” Then she took off bucking and I’m like, “Oh I’m off.”
What’s the scariest thing that has happened to you?
Probably crashing through a jump is the scariest thing. I’ve only done it once.
Where have you received the weirdest looks from wearing your riding attire in public?
The weirdest place I’ve gotten looks is at Walmart. People just look at me and my brother’s been asked if he plays baseball because of his pants and just random things like that.
Do you prefer riding bareback or with a saddle?
It depends. With the saddle and everything you don’t have to use your legs as much, and then bareback is just fun and you can just do whatever.
What do you like about horses?
I just kind of like being around them and what they do and who they are. There’s nothing I really don’t like.
What about Cavali irritates you?
When he puts his tongue off to the side and gets the side of his mouth all dirty. I’m just like, “Come on.”
How did you get Cavali?
Richard was looking at Diana Carney’s barn and she said they have this horse for sale that can be a junior horse and he took it home with him. I was like, “Oh look, a new horse. Who’s it for?” and Catherine came out and said it was for me.
How do you feel before a horse show?
I still get really nervous because at the height I do now, you can’t mess up at all. Then if I do, it will be really bad. It’s like all the pressure is on me.
If Cavali were to be a person, what would his personality be like?
I always think if he would be a person he would be the really nerdy one that didn’t know anyone. You know how all the nerdy ones are always the sweetest? If you talk to them they are really really nice. That’s how he is. He is really sweet. If he doesn’t know you he will just be really really nice.