Carmel Mayor’s Youth Council (CMYC) will have its next meeting on Oct. 30 from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m., according to Leah Zukerman, executive council member and junior. Members will discuss plans for a sports tournament in the winter, with the first discussion on which sport and charity to feature.

“My hopes are that what the community sees about us kids can accomplish is proven wrong because you always hear adults saying things about our generation not being hard working or entitled, but I want to show from (the planning for the sports tournament) that that isn’t true, and we’re capable of a lot,” she said.According to Jack Langston, CMYC president and senior, the club is also planning on teaming up with the CHS art department to paint a mural on the inside of the parking garage of the Indiana Design Center.
“Basically, if you can envision it and you can put in the work to see it happen, anything is possible because we have so many connections with the city and really the opportunities are endless,” Langston said.