The annual blood drive at CHS is coming up on Sept. 5 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. at the fieldhouse. According to senator and sophomore Mike Pitz,“The blood drive is a way for people to give back to their community in a unique way because your blood is literally a part of you.” This event will collect blood for the Indianapolis Blood Center to send to hospitals all over Indiana to use.

In order to be eligible for this blood drive, students must be at least 110 pounds, 16 years or older (if 16, a parent consent form is needed), can’t have gone to a foreign country in the last year and can’t be in a fall sport. According to Pitz, the CHS blood drive is the largest in Hamilton County and the school would like to keep it that way.
Student Body President Bobby Greaser said, “Senators have been to every A and D lunch for the past eight days to sign people up. We have also found that it is most effective to send people out during SRT with a clipboard. We already have about 450 people signed up, but our goal is 600 sign-ups. It is extremely encouraged to sign up and participate because you are giving back to your community in a very effective way without spending any money.”