According to Principal John Williams, the Academic Transition Night for incoming ninth graders will take place at school on Jan. 12 from 5 to 8:15 p.m. Tables with information about courses will be in the commons area.
“At 5:30, 6:30 and 7:30, we’ll do a shift in the auditorium where I’ll welcome the parents and eighth graders and the counselors will say some things. There is also tours in the school and each department will have a teacher a table where the parents can go and talk to the teacher about what courses to talk,” Williams said. “This is also where our electives do a lot of recruiting. It’s a big night for our electives and it’s a big night for our cores because we give a lot of information to the parents about what kind of courses kids are going to have to take in the cores. We’ll also have an IB meeting, an AP meeting, and talk about Capstone in the freshman cafeteria.”

Student body president Bobby Greaser, who said he plans on volunteering at the event, said he hopes that many parents and students will attend and see all the opportunities this school has to offer.
“I think our large size is intimidating for many new students, but really it is a blessing because of the variety of experiences Carmel can offer. For a lot of kids, this will be their first impression of their future school, so it’s essential that they feel at home from the start,” Greaser said.