As the second semester of the school year unfolds, the nurses in the health center maintain their normal daily routine which mainly consists of attending to students’ needs, according to nurse coordinator Kandyce Hardie.
“Our primary objective every day is just to see the students who are in school who need us for various reasons” Hardie said. “Other than that, we take care of emails from parents, parking passes, elevator keys (and) submitting information to teachers about (students’) healthcare plans that teachers should be aware of, especially with the new semester starting. We send all those out to teachers for students who have higher risks of health issues—diabetes, asthma, allergies, things like that.”
Although they have a myriad of jobs to do, the nurses have CHS students—nurses’ aides—to give a helping hand.
Senior Katie Popcheff is one of these nurses’ aides. According to Hardie, the nurses’ aides do small tasks, including running passes to students in class, making ice packs and filing papers.
“The nurses ask us to run passes or make ice packs every now and then. But it’s pretty low key” Popcheff said. “I used to have this first period, and I used to have to run passes every day, but now we run passes, like, once a week in this period. So, some classes are (busier) than others.”