Aquatics center director Kinsey Wallace has said that she plans on starting the “Summer Shape Up” program a month earlier this year in order to accommodate for potentially high demand.
“’Summer Shape Up’ is for kids that do summer swim leagues only. If they want to come and swim and get in shape before the summer league starts, we run practices for them,” Wallace said.

However, according to Wallace, this program isn’t only for Carmel Clay students. Kids who may participate in their neighborhoods summer swim leagues have the opportunity to participate in the program as well.
“We gear it towards those kids, so it’s not just Carmel Swim Club Kids,” Wallace said. “It’s so literally anyone in the community can come and get in shape before their summer league.”
“It’s good for kids to do over the summer,” Mary Woods, Carmel swimmer and senior said. “That’s how I started swimming. I swam for seven years on summer swim leagues before joining (the Carmel Swim) club.”