The CHS aquatics center is currently in the last legs of preparations for is upcoming triathlon, which will be held there on April 24.

“As always, my biggest concern is the type of participants that come,” said aquatics center director Kinsey Wallace.
Wallace said that she is worried that, as has happened frequently in the past, many of the triathletes won’t have adequate swimming instruction and will struggle to complete the 50-meter swim portion of the race.
However, those who think that Wallace is referring to them still have time to prepare, as the aquatics center has recently begun long course season, meaning that the lane lengths have been extended to 50 meters, the same length of the lanes during the triathlon.
“Anyone, even kids, can come and practice swim the 50-meter lengths so they get used to what they’ll experience on Saturday (April 24),” Wallace said.
“I think it’s a good thing that anyone can come in and practice,” said Troy Li, Carmel swimmer and junior. “It’s a good way to get prepared for the triathlon.”