On July 17, the movie “Ant-Man” comes to theaters. This is also the date of the end of Marvel Cinematic Universe’s phase two of their movies and the beginning of their phase three. Phase two earned an estimated $5 billion dollars for Marvel, as many dedicated fans spent their money to see every movie. Ali Sinnett, comic fan, Marvel fan and sophomore, is no exception. She’s read many of the Marvel comics, and she’s seen all of the Marvel movies.
Sinnett said, “I’d say I first started getting into comics when I saw ‘The Avengers’. All of it just seemed so interesting to me, especially the way that the characters were brought up and presented, so I went back and watched all of the movies and got into the comics through that. Most Tuesdays I’ll go to the comic store and get the new Hawkeye and Captain America. Those are the two well-known ones (I get).”
Sinnett said she is happy with how Phase two turned out, and her favorite part of it was “Captain America: The Winter Soldier.” Jake Greene, Marvel fan and sophomore, agreed with Sinnett and said Marvel, despite being owned by Disney, is doing a great job with the movies.
“I really like what they did to progress the stories for each character specifically,” Greene said. “I really like how they have formed their universe. Some problems with DC is that it’s not really strict or clear, but Marvel has done a good job of bringing together all of their characters in a way that makes sense and in a way that’s just fun and interesting.”
Kenneth Browner, comic fan and teacher, has over 7,000 comics books. While he enjoys watching the Marvel movies, he has a different view of them.
“Well some movies kind of stray from the comic story line, and I get the Hollywood piece of it. I watched the ‘Daredevil’ show on Netflix last week, and I thought that was dark and moody and more like Daredevil was. I think for the most part, Marvel tries to keep the main parts of the character, and sometimes they add other outside pieces,” Browner said.
Phase two in the Marvel Cinematic Universe began with the release of the movie “Iron Man 3.” Unlike phase one, phase two also included two comics, Ant-Man and Guardians of the Galaxy, which were not as popular among comic books. Green and Sinnett both said Marvel was smart in their decision of bringing these comics to light, in order to create more hype, and earn more money.
Greene said, “I think that that’s, if anything, a really smart business idea. I mean, I really liked ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’. I think it was very well done. I think they chose the exact right people for the role; I love Chris Pratt. The music choices in the movie are amazing, and just everything that’s classic about Marvel, the action, the story, and everything coming back full circle. I think it was really good. Marvel, I think, did a really good job of taking a comic that could become better and making it awesome.”
Marvel puts their movies into phases, just like a book has different chapters. Phase one ended with the first Avengers movie. Every phase introduces new characters that are in Marvel comics. Phase two introduced the Guardians of the Galaxy and Ant-Man. Marvel’s biggest movie in phase three is “Captain America: Civil War.” Many people, including Browner, acknowledge that there is a lot of hype for the movie as it involves many superheroes.
“Phase 3 is going into the Civil War, where the heroes have to register, which is going to kind of pit some who are for it and some who are against it. There’s going to be a divide in the Marvel Universe,” Browner said. “I just want to see how they are going to play it out in the movie. (I want to see) which characters they’re going to introduce. Spiderman getting back into the Marvel mix and breaking from Sony (Corporation), I think that’s going to make it even more interesting.”
Sony Corporation is teaming up with Disney to include Spiderman into the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies. Many fans are glad that the two companies have teamed up because Spiderman is an Avenger. Sinnett, Greene and Browner are all excited to see Spiderman appear in some phase 3 movies. Browner said for the Civil War movie, Spiderman is a vital piece, at least in the comics, so he needs to be included.
Some actors for Marvel, such as Robert Downey Jr., have expressed that after a certain number of movies, they will not continue acting as the superhero they portray.
“I feel like there will be a lot of backlash from the fans, but as far as the actors are concerned, it doesn’t matter as long as they do a really good job of being the character and showing what aspects of the character need to be portrayed more than other ones. The face itself doesn’t really matter,” Sinnett said.
Greene said he believes Marvel is putting movies into phases, so it will be easy for the audience to follow. Sinnett believes that Marvel will make phase three better than phase two.
Sinnett said, “With Marvel you never really know, but I’m pretty sure there’s going to be good stuff. Really they should just keep on doing what they’re doing. I wouldn’t want them to really end anything, although if they did they’d probably have a good reason for it. I would say they should stick with what they have so far.”