The next meeting for House of Books is scheduled for Sept. 23. At this meeting members will discuss the upcoming festival booth in October

and the after school meeting program with Carmel Elementary.
The festival booth for Oktoberfest is still under planning, but like last year there will be fun activities for people to do.
Club sponsor Theresa Ramos said, “I think it will be fun because last year they had a good idea, where kids could try to build a house of books.”
Another upcoming event that is coming up for House of Books is the reading program that is still being set up with Carmel Elementary. In this reading program, members will go to Carmel Elementary for the after school program, and read to kids by splitting them up by grade level.
Sarah Tinaphong, vice president and senior, said, “So far we have not gone over yet, but we hope to do so soon, I think it will be a lot of fun for us and the kids.”
House of Books members recently held a call out meeting for the club, expecting around three to four new members this year.
Ramos said, “They had their callout last week, which went very well and I think that this year will be better than last year.”
Click here for more information about Oktoberfest.