Artwork by students of all grades will be displayed this Saturday and Sunday at the 18th Annual Carmel International Arts Festival. Located in the Arts and Design District on Rangeline Road and Main Street, the festival will run from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sept. 26 and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sept. 27. According to Jen Bubp, chairperson of the art department, CHS students’ art will be displayed at the Hoosier Salon art gallery, who offered to hang students work.
“We’re very excited for this opportunity. In years past we were in a tent, and we were always afraid of weather elements hindering what we could bring,” Bubp said.
Art Club will also have an interactive live painting exhibit in the courtyard right outside of the Hoosier Salon. The gallery is located on Rangeline Road.
The art being displayed will be a mixture of works done during the past spring semester and works done this past month by current art students Bubp said. There will be a wide range of mediums including a sampling of drawings, paintings, mixed media, ceramics, fiber art, photography, and digital photography.
Kathy Huang, AP Studio Art student and junior, will be showcasing a graphite still-life drawing that she completed during the spring semester of last year. This is Huang’s second time displaying art in the festival.
“I think the students at our school are just so talented art-wise,” Huang said. “It really shows that you don’t have to be a professional to create something really good.”
Bubp and Huang agree that the level of artistic ability at Carmel is almost at a professional level which reflects on the school’s overall high academic and extracurricular standards.
“The student art exhibit parallels the professional exhibition there and I think it really just reflects well on our art students here,” Huang said.
Bubp also is excited to see how the community’s views on CHS are positively impacted by the student art exhibit. She said, “I think (the art festival) is a great opportunity for both students and their parents and family members and then of course the community as a whole, just to see that truly, for high-school level, what our students create is professional quality.”