As someone who has gone to Carmel Clay Schools for my entire life, I’ve grown up with familiar faces and a daily routine. Since COVID-19 was declared a global pandemic, I’ve experienced a great change of pace in my own life. Instead of waking up while it’s still dark and being surrounded by friends even before 7 a.m., I now have no fixed schedule due to the move to online learning. The days blend into each other; I could be watching a movie on Sunday only to realize it’s actually Monday and I had an assignment due three hours ago.
Needless to say, I never thought I would experience a time where my sole responsibility is to not be social to keep others safe. I and the rest of the world have the understanding that by staying home we are keeping the general public safe. Not only this, but our actions of staying home are further protecting the elderly and those with compromised immune systems. By protecting those who are most at risk, we are also ensuring that health care workers do not have to treat more COVID-19 patients than they already do.
According to Kaiser Health News, there are 9,200 health care workers who have tested positive for COVID-19; however, it is probable that there are more health care workers who have been infected but not tested yet. With this in mind, it is important to put things into perspective and take time to reflect on the sacrifice health care workers and essential workers make in their personal and professional lives. Health care and essential workers serve the public without any guarantee of their own personal safety. By serving people who need them they also put their own family in danger. Whenever I’m reminded of this because of the news or social media posts, it really puts my life into perspective.
It’s easy to feel like nothing could be worse than loneliness until health care workers and essential workers are thought about. I’m extremely thankful that my family is healthy and well and there are people willing to serve those in need. If anyone in my family ever tested positive for COVID-19 I know there are workers willing to take care of them, and I am so thankful for that reassurance during this time.
The views in this column do not necessarily reflect the views of the HiLite staff. Reach Kimmi Vasil at