Senior Lindsay Bickett
At the beginning of the quarantine, I mainly focused on the negatives. I would get really upset and angry that this virus had to come at the end of my senior year. However, as quarantine went on, I came to terms with what I had lost and instead focused on how what we were doing was saving lives. A lot of good came out of this quarantine, too. I started to read for fun again, something I hadn’t done since middle school. I also started healthy habits like working out and eating better.
Sophomore Matthew Zetzl
The best (part) of quarantine is sleeping in all day and doing school work at my own pace. I miss not being able to go out and hang out with my friends. I’ve been staying busy by working out, watching movies and TV and talking virtually to my friends.

Senior Ted Piha
I really miss hanging out with friends on Friday and Saturday nights and not being able to have prom and Mr. Carmel. But, quarantine has motivated me to work out more. I bought an Olympic barbell set and rack, and I’ve started lifting a lot more. Overall, I’ve learned I have to find the best out of every situation, and I don’t take anything for granted anymore because COVID-19 just shows how quickly it can all be taken away.