CHTV will launch the new school year with its first show this week. According to sponsor Brandy Ostojic, students will broadcast it this Friday, Sept. 9.
“We’ll be back on the set with news, entertainment, sports and all of that. After that, the show will be on every Gold Day SSRT for the rest of the year except late starts,” she said.
Much of the structure for the show will remain the same as previous years, according to CHTV student and senior David Lee.
“We’re only making minor edits like changing up the intro and outro sequences,” he said.
However, Lee said that the crew looks to adjust the feel of the show.
Lee said, “This year, we’re going for a more casual, friendly show. As a show for high schoolers made by high schoolers, we want to resonate more with the student body.”
In regards to what goes into preparing for the first show, Ostojic said that students make small videos about topics they will cover, research news stories, prepare weather reports, design graphics, construct scripts with rundowns contacting guests and much more.
She said, “It’s pretty crazy that the students are turning around and doing this two or three times a week for the entire year.”
This school year, CHTV is also looking to involve younger staff members with the show more.
“We felt that newer staff members were a little disconnected from the rest of our staff who work on the show,” Ostojic said. “This year, these students will have more opportunities to enhance coverage and get more involved with the team to gain experience, she said.”
The crew also has some goals to improve its content. Lee said they look to improve their sports coverage with more professional graphics, put up a new website and establish a presence on YouTube to engage students.
Ostojic said, “We want every student to see themselves at least once. That can be in the form of seeing their club or their class, but we really want to be cognizant about getting tons of diversity and change on our air this year.”
To learn more about how CHTV records its live shows, click here. By Dariush Khurram