Following their successful overnight conference at Indiana University, Model U.N. is preparing to choose its officers for the 2023-2024 school year. Anyone can apply by filling out a Google Form detailing why they want to be an officer, regardless of grade level.
Model U.N. sponsor Sandy Gardner said she and the current club officers were responsible for the officer selection process.
“We usually ask them a few questions about why they want to be leaders, about their time commitment to other things, ask them what kind of characteristics they would bring to being a leader,” Gardner said. “The officers and myself kinda see who’s usually dependable, who shows some skill, so they can teach others (about Model U.N. tactics.”
Dev Mathur, Model U.N. officer and senior, said he applied to become an officer during his junior year after he became involved with the club as a sophomore.
“I knew that I had a shot because I had a rapport with the Model U.N. sponsor Mrs. Gardner,” Mathur said. “I wanted to help (with Model U.N.) from behind the scenes.”