On April 21, Muslims around the world celebrate the religious holiday of Eid Al-Fitr. It’s a holiday that’s observed after the month of Ramadan and is a day to celebrate the end of the holy month. For junior Asmaa Omar, Eid is a time to celebrate and be with family.

“Eid is about getting together and celebrating with your family and eating lots of delicious food. On Eid we all wake up early and get ready to go to the Eid prayer, and then we go out and celebrate with our families,” Omar said.
On the day of Eid, Muslims all pray the mandatory Eid prayer in the morning, which is after a short sermon that the Imam, a Islamic religious leader, would give.
Anisse Adni, Imam at the Al-Salam foundation and the Muslim life director at the Center for Faith and Vocation at Butler University, said Eid is a time where Muslims from all over come together.
“Many Muslims partake in intense devotional practices before both Eids. Before Eid Al-Fitr, many Muslims choose to fast during the month of Ramadan wherein they abstain from food, drink, and intimacy throughout the daytime,” Adni said. “The fast is accompanied by extra prayers and services Muslims may engage in at night throughout Ramadan. Immediately following Ramadan is a day of festivities celebrating the spiritual growth everyone underwent during Ramadan. Since all Muslims are engaging in this, it brings the community together.”

Like Omar, sophomore Maaz Kheiri said Eid is a time for him and his family to spend time with one another and for him to see his extended family.
“Eid brings my family together as we spend a lot of time praying, eating and talking with one another,” Kheiri said. “My family usually spends Eid together by going to the masjid and praying Eid prayer in the morning. After that we go to different Eid parties and spend time at one of our family member’s houses.”
Kheiri said Eid brings families and friends together in many different ways such as attending celebrations or just praying and conversing together. He said this celebration is important to him because it helps him appreciate and connect with his family a lot more.
Adni said that Eid not only brings families together, but also whole communities.
“Many Muslims believe that the Eid holidays are mandatory and you will often find large gatherings of Muslims who engage in prayers and festivities together,” he said. “This year, Eid Al-Fitr will be celebrated on Friday at the Indiana State Fairgrounds; you’ll find all of the major Muslim congregations celebrating together.”