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Your source for CHS news


Maria Saam, CHTV Director and senior, adjusts the camera angle during the morning SRT show. Saam is one of the main directors and in charge of stage setting, lighting and audio 
cuts during 
the show.

To All the Directors They’ve Snubbed Before: Lack of female Oscar nominees for best director highlights implications of discrimination for female students pursuing film careers

Jessica Konrad April 19, 2019

"Wonder woman.” “Lady Bird.” “To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before.” Beyond the massive success of each of these films, there is another factor that unites them all. Each one features a female...

Prom and Circumstance: Promposals are a fun tradition that enhance prom, high school experience

Prom and Circumstance: Promposals are a fun tradition that enhance prom, high school experience

Jessica Konrad March 22, 2019

Would anyone like to volunteer to come up on stage and play in this game?” I immediately glued my eyes to the floor and lowered my head. I most certainly did not want to go up on stage. Desperately hoping...

Musical Genius: Students should consider benefits of listening to music while studying

Jessica Konrad January 24, 2019

icAnother boring day in algebra. Staring at the clock, I wondered how much longer we could possibly go on about parabolas. Who would have thought a curved line could be so complicated? Accustomed to the...

A Timeless Classic: Classic Christmas carols offer listeners feelings of hope unparalleled by contemporary carols

A Timeless Classic: Classic Christmas carols offer listeners feelings of hope unparalleled by contemporary carols

Jessica Konrad December 13, 2018
"A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.”
Keep on Keepin' On: Students should direct focus towards personal goals, not outperforming peers

Keep on Keepin’ On: Students should direct focus towards personal goals, not outperforming peers

Jessica Konrad October 25, 2018

The crimson letter proudly declared itself at the top of the page: A-. I looked beneath my score and smiled when I saw the scratch-and-sniff sticker featuring a smiling snail and the words “Nice Work!”...

The Right Fit: Use this flowchart to see College Counselor Ann  Boldt’s advice on how to select the right college

The Right Fit: Use this flowchart to see College Counselor Ann Boldt’s advice on how to select the right college

Raphael Li September 21, 2018

  Excerpt from the Q & A: What usually happens during a typical college representative visit? “Usually at the beginning, the rep might tailor-make a little bit of the information she...

Time to Move On: Traffic in hallways at this school necessitates change.

Time to Move On: Traffic in hallways at this school necessitates change.

Jessica Konrad September 21, 2018

The air is thick and stuffy. We are paused, waiting, again. Sighs of frustration and complaints echo in the background. I wonder when we will finally start moving. After what feels like an eternity, we...

(From left to right) NHS officers Rylann Moffitt, Josh Schumann, Jessica Konrad and Patrick Campbell discuss plans for volunteer hours for the Ghost and Goblins 2k/5k with NHS sponsor Michelle Skidmore. Skidmore suggested that the officers appoint committee chairs for planning the event to prevent the officers from becoming overwhelmed with putting the run/walk together as well as starting NHS tutoring and meeting with members of the Carmel Education Foundation (CEF).

NHS members earn group hours and prep for Ghost and Goblins run

Kassi Darnell September 16, 2018

Toward the end of the summer and the start of the school year, NHS members have had a few opportunities to earn group hours. So far, members have been able to volunteer at registration and the open house...

Stop the Spam: With students receiving barrage of notifications, colleges should stop sending unnecessary, misleading emails

Stop the Spam: With students receiving barrage of notifications, colleges should stop sending unnecessary, misleading emails

Jessica Konrad May 18, 2018

"Dear Jessica, we’d like to encourage you to consider Harvard,” read the first line of an email I received earlier this year. After I finished reading, I felt elated. To learn a university as prestigious...

The ComedySportz team prepares for its upcoming matches by playing comedic improv games with an emphasis on physicality. In this game, Allie Crawford, ComedySportz member and junior, pretended to take out her dentures.

ComedySportz prepares for upcoming matches

Jessica Konrad March 6, 2018

According to ComedySportz sponsor Jim Peterson, the ComedySportz team is currently preparing for its upcoming matches in the spring by conducting after-school rehearsals and training with professional...

Take Note: CHS should consider benefits of offering AP Music Theory for students

Take Note: CHS should consider benefits of offering AP Music Theory for students

Jessica Konrad, Reporter February 23, 2018

While skimming the program of studies in the process of scheduling for next year, I noticed a glaring discrepancy within the performing arts section. Known for its history of excellence, the CHS performing...

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