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CHS A.C.T. loses to North Central in Brain Game match, ends season

CHS A.C.T. loses to North Central in Brain Game match, ends season

Beats March 23, 2016

On March 16, the CHS Academic Competition Team (A.C.T.), formerly known as the Brain Game team, lost in a Brain Game match against North Central High School with a score of 35 to 25. According to A.C.T....

CHS A.C.T. Brain Game match to be televised March 12

CHS A.C.T. Brain Game match to be televised March 12

Beats March 1, 2016

On Feb. 17, the Academic Competition Team (A.C.T.), formerly known as the Brain Game team, defeated Zionsville High School in a Brain Game match, with a score of 41 to 17. The event will be televised on...

A.C.T. coach John Shearin sits at his desk, looking over notes from recent academic competitions. He and the team are preparing to defend their WRAL championship title in the tournament on Jan. 30. ADAM STOCKHOLM / PHOTO

A.C.T. to participate in WRAL tournament on Jan. 30

Beats January 25, 2016

On Jan. 30, the Academic Competition Team (A.C.T.), formerly known as the Brain Game team, will compete in the annual White River Academic League (WRAL) tournament. According to A.C.T. coach...

A.C.T. coach John Shearin looks over the upcoming schedule for the team. He said that the team is open to join for people who express interest and hopes that more CHS students will give the activity a chance. ADAM STOCKHOLM / PHOTO

A.C.T. to have next match on Oct. 22

Beats October 20, 2015

The Academic Competition Team (A.C.T.), formerly known as the Brain Game team, will have their next match on Oct. 22. The team will face North Central at CHS. Sameer Leley, A.C.T. member...

A.C.T. coach John Shearin sits at his desk, looking over the upcoming events for the team. He said he is ready for the year and he and the team have high expectations. ADAM STOCKHOLM / PHOTO

A.C.T. team preparing for upcoming, busy year

Beats September 9, 2015

The Academic Competition Team (A.C.T.), formerly known as the Brain Game team, recently had their first meeting of the year, on Aug. 31, to prepare for the upcoming year. According to A.C.T....

Blake Loncharich, TechHOUNDS student team leader and senior, applies vinyl to the human player station ramp.  The team plans to practice with the ramp and take it to the state competition on April 2. JESSICA TAO / PHOTO

TechHOUNDS prepares for April 2 Indiana State Championship

Contributor April 2, 2015

TechHOUNDS, this school’s robotics team, competed at Purdue’s Indiana District on March 19. The team placed 5th overall. Since then, members have continued to improve their skillset for the state competition,...

Juniors Kalen Rudd, Aryaman Gupta and Sameer Leley fix the robot.  TechHounds is in the process of creating multiple prototypes. JESSICA TAO/ PHOTO

TechHOUNDS began Build Season Jan. 3, builds new prototypes

Beats January 14, 2015

TechHOUNDS, this school’s robotics team, kicked off their build season on Jan. 3. Since then, members have been meeting every day after school for about 3 hours. TechHOUNDS sponsor and teacher John...

Sophomores Sameer Leley, Aryaman Gupta and Kalen Rudd make adjustments to the shooter. TechHOUNDs tested out its prototype for the first time after school on Monday, Jan. 27. PHOTO / JESSICA TAO

TechHOUNDs completes first prototype, awaits confirmation of robot legality

Beats January 31, 2014

TechHOUNDs, the robotics team, completed its first robot design and tested it out on Jan. 27. TechHOUNDs sponsor George Giltner said the designing has gone well, although the design is subject to change...

TechHOUNDs members and sophomores Kalen Rudd, Vikas Maturi and Sameer Leley make changes to their model. In past years, the TechHOUNDs team prepared two robots before its March competition: a prototype and a final model. PHOTO / JESSICA TAO

TechHOUNDs receives season objective, begins to build prototypes

Beats January 18, 2014

TechHOUNDs, the robotics team, received its season objective on Jan. 4. According to sponsor George Giltner, there’s a change in point scoring this year. TechHOUNDs member and sophomore Tiger Huang...

Sophomore Sameer Leley toys with Tech Hound’s newest robot.  The team is constantly looking to make new improvements on old projects.

Tech Hounds prepares for Sept. 5 call-out meeting

Beats September 5, 2013

Tech Hounds, CHS's robotics engineering team, is preparing for its call-out meeting after a very successful 2012 to 2013 season. According to sponsor George Giltner, last year was Tech Hound’s best season...

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