Counterpoints, CHS freshman choir, is currently in the middle of auditions for next year’s placement and is also preparing for its upcoming concert, which is scheduled to be on March 23 at 7:30 p.m. Due to the recent snow days, auditions have been pushed back a little bit, according to choir director Ann Conrad.
“Well, they are still doing auditions for placement because there are just so many kids. And that snow day couldn’t have come at a worst time. So we’re finishing those up,” she said.
Conrad also said that placement letters will be delivered right before spring break. The students will be assigned to one of the seven choirs for upperclassmen.
“Once we assign them, they (Counterpoints members) will be scattered in all different choirs. All the choirs have the potential to increase in size, but we try to limit that with Ambassadors, Accents and Blue and Gold just to maintain a balance,” she said.
After auditions are over for the choir, it will finish practicing for its upcoming concert and perform on March 23. Conrad said this concert was a new addition this year in order to fill in the gap between auditions and the spring concert in May. However, this concert will not include any choreography. Instead, the choreography will be saved for the spring concert in May.
“Since they didn’t get to dance in this March concert, they’ll get to dance in the concert there (in May). That concert will be around four songs a group, and a little bit lighter as well,” Conrad said.
According to Conrad, each concert is different and the upcoming concert will have new music. Although sometimes music pieces are used two times for different things, the directors try to reuse pieces every 3 years at the earliest.
“There are so many great pieces of music out there, so there is no real reason to repeat songs so early. Even though the kids have probably never sung it, my boredom is also factored in. That’s the great thing about teaching this subject. We don’t have to take the same quizzes and chapters over again. It’s completely new material,” Conrad said.
Counterpoints member and freshman Vessi Doncheva said that she is happy to move on to the March and May concerts.
She said, “The March concert will be fun. But, I think the May concert will be better just because of the choreography involved.” By Dhruti Patel <[email protected]>