Student Tutor Connections (STC) is a student-run club that provides free tutoring services to any students during the first SRT of every week. STC plans to start in early September in room A202, according to STC sponsor Kris Hartman.
Hartman said the biggest change for this school year is that Carol Piganelli will replace Dana Lawrence as the STC room sponsor, so STC will now take place in room A202 instead of room A210.
President and senior Andrew Riley said, “Right now, we aren’t really sure about any changes beside the room changes because all the old council members graduated, and we haven’t really appointed any other council members.”
“In general, we are trying to get more tutors and get the word out more because there are more people that need to be tutored,” Riley said. “I would hope everyone could get all A’s and everything, but some that may not be able to can come to STC for help.”
According to Hartman, STC always tries to grow its popularity by posting fliers in classrooms, sending out PTO newsletters and communicating parents about the club.
Riley said, “We are going to make more video announcements this year. If more people knew about STC, more people would be coming to be a tutor or be tutored.”
“I think STC is a great club,” Hartman said. “If more kids take advantage of it, they would see the value of having this available.”