The Monon Community Center will host an Open House in honor of its 20th anniversary on Oct. 20 from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m.
“We are hoping we get a good turnout and people come participate in programs,” activities manager Lindsay Labas said. The event will feature a behind-the-scenes tour, program, class demonstrations, door prizes, a program idea space and food and beverage from the Ritz Charles. It is open to the public.
“We are really starting to spotlight the key things that made us start here doing the things that we do here every single day,” Labas said. According to division manager Susan Beurain, the Open House will expose people to programs and facilities that not all members may be aware of. “It is our opportunity to show off all that we love about what we are able to do for our community every day,” Beurain said via email.
Any CHS student that would be interested in volunteering at the Open House should contact Dana Davis at