Aperture Club is scheduled to meet Feb. 27. The meeting will be conducted in room C147. President and senior Sam Patterson confirmed via email that in place of an official lesson, there will be a discussion of members’ experiences working with people- what went well and what didn’t, tips and tricks for getting good reactions, poses, expressions and character to show. Patterson also said there is a possibility that end of the year plans will be discussed at the meeting as well.
According to Patterson, The Voice of America “Win an Ipad” competiton mentioned last meeting has extended its deadline to March 1. The Macquarie photo competiton has a final submission date of the 28, the day after the upcoming meeting. Patterson also said that the Nikon photo contest closes on the 28 as well.
As for the end of the school year events, the club has not planned for anything yet.
“It’s really going to be up to the leaders to determine what they’d like to do for the end of the year. I’m perfectly content with them taking charge and I’ll facilitate whatever they need,” Sponsor Jim Streisel said.