Rising Stars will have its next meeting on Nov. 7 after school in the Studio Theater room.
According to junior class representative Amanda Warnock, she and other board members will introduce new committees and give information on how to form a committee. Warnock said that the idea of committees is beneficial to the club because non-officer members can have a larger role in the club.
“With the committees, members can have a bigger impact on the club instead of having the board control everything,” Warnock said.
According to Warnock, a potential committee must have at least three members. The board members have already created a few committees, which will be released at the meeting, Warnock said. “We’re keeping it a surprise.”
In addition, the meeting will also include games, a chance for members to plan upcoming events, and a new dress-up theme.
“Each meeting has a specific theme, such as Halloween or Christmas,” Jim Peterson, sponsor of the club, said.
The theme for this meeting is to dress up as a famous person with the same birthday month. More information is on the club’s Facebook page.

“Facebook page” to https://www.facebook.com/