On Nov. 3, TEDx members will paint rain barrels in order to raise awareness for conserving water and will later auction the barrel on Nov. 21. According to TEDx sponsor Allyson Wells, the earnings will go to the Indiana Water Environment Association.

“What we’re working on is a community service project, and (members) are decorating a rain barrel, which will go to auction to raise money for water conservations. So they will do the painting and decorating of the rain barrel,” she said. “(The project) has been an ongoing event, and in our last meeting, we worked through and planned out on how we’re going to decorate the rain barrel.”
According to member and junior Sally Ernst, in addition to assisting the community, members will partake on more community projects, such as the rain barrel project, this year in exchange for less conference-style meetings.
“(The rain barrel project) is just a community project since we’re not doing too many things during the year because everything will leave up to the end, so it is a project for us to get out there and to help out the community,” Ernst said.