While Color Guard’s “‘A’ Guard” season is over, the World Guard has one final competition to complete their season. They will be compete in Dayton, Ohio from April 16 to 18 at the Winter Guard International (WGI) World Championships.

“(WGI is) definitely the best part of the season,” Willow Wespestad, World Guard member and senior, said. “It’s what you look forward to the entire season; everyone from around the country is there, and it’s just the epitome of what color guard is about.”
“The (World) Guard at CHS is so highly respected by people from all around the world,” Rosie Queen, color guard’s main choreographer, said. “These girls are literally ‘rock stars’ in many people’s eyes in our color guard activity.”
Queen and Wespestad said the guard members had good work ethics, allowing them to achievethis status.
“It’s definitely (a) high-pressure (situation),” Wespestad said. “Especially with our competition from other guards, especially in California and Florida, but it just makes you work harder.”
However, Wespestd said it’s not all about the title. “We can just try our best, and if we win, that’s definitely a nice perk, but it doesn’t really matter to the guard as a whole team,” said Wespestad. “It’s all about the experience.”