In preparation for the next school year, the nurses in the health center are reminding current juniors to get their meningitis shots before starting their senior years, according to nurse Rachel Lencheck.

“All the juniors will need a shot over the summer, if they haven’t (gotten) it yet—their meningitis shot for their senior year,” Lencheck said. “Their primary care physicians should know if they have received it yet.”
In addition to contacting juniors, Lencheck said the nurses are preparing for the next school year by contacting all students about updating their medical paperwork.
Lencheck said, “We’re reminding everyone that they need to resubmit paperwork next year for allergies or diabetes. We’ll also work on collecting all the elevator keys back and getting all of the medication that we store here.”
While the nurses prepare for the next school year, the nurses’ aides continue to help out the nurses throughout the health center. As a nurses’ aide, senior Katie Popcheff said her class period is mostly uneventful and calm.
Popcheff said, “During this period, (it has) been very laid back. But I’ve really enjoyed being a nurses’ aide, like, helping out and all that stuff because last quarter I had to wheel a kid to class everyday, and I just like helping out with things.”