Although Latin Club has not picked its callout meeting date, secretary and senior Jordan Galloway has plans to meet Aug. 27 with Caren Rickett, club sponsor and Latin teacher. Galloway said the final date will be broadcasted over the announcements.
According to Rickett, normally the club meets in A231 until the late bus, where late bus passes will then be provided.

“Basically we talk about different culture sections and share different ideas that we have. For example, if you want a mythology section of the club because you’re curious about Latin myths, we make one for you,” Galloway said, “People just come in and we just talk about Latin language, culture and history, which are all really cool.”
According to Rickett, each meeting follows a similar schedule: talk about the syllabus, conduct activities, food and then plan for the next meeting. “You don’t have to be in a Latin class to be in the club. That’s a common misconception,” she said.
All these meetings are to prepare for the final big meeting in April or May, said Galloway. The Latin convention is a large gathering of multiple schools where students can compete in games such as gladiator skits, mythology, sports and chanting. She said the group often stays overnight.
“Latin is the basis of English and so many other languages. Without Latin you wouldn’t have French, Spanish, English, Italian. It’s really interesting learning and understanding people and culture between now and back then old Latin. It’s an immense difference,” Galloway said.