At the end of first semester, CHS will follow a revamped collegiate-styled schedule. The schedule will now include “office hours,” three-hour periods during which students can choose to come to school for help from teachers.
“One of the big ideas (behind the new schedule) was to give (students) more flexibility in how (they) study for finals, and one of the things we heard is—we interviewed students last year—they felt that they could use time better than just being in class all day,” Principal John Williams said. “So it allows you to do whatever you need to do, and if it’s getting in a group to study or maybe sleeping in a little bit—whatever best fits your individual needs—it allows you to do that.”
Senior Jake Patterson said he thinks the new schedule will benefit the students more.
“I think that (the new schedule’s) much better than the old schedule because students can focus their time on seeing teachers they actually need help from,” Patterson said.
According to Williams, the new schedule benefits not only students but also teachers.
“Teachers will have a little more freedom to work with kids who will need it or want it as opposed to having all the kids in the class, with some kids not needing to study for that final and kids needing to. So you’re sitting in your math class, but you really need to spend more time studying for your chemistry class,” Williams said. “It just gives everybody more flexibility.”