After finalizing students’ immunization records, the nurses in the health center are currently experiencing a “lull” in their normally busy schedules, according to nurse coordinator Kandyce Hardie. However, Hardie said the nurses are taking this slow period to bring flu season awareness to CHS students.
“We’re kind of in the middle of nothing. I mean, (students’ immunization records) are just mostly finished,” Hardie said. “But, of course, we’re getting into cold and flu season, so normally our traffic picks up here. So now, we’re just kind of making sure students get their flu shots, either from their physicians or at a local pharmacy.”
While the nurses continue to attend to ill students on a daily basis, Hardie said they are already looking ahead to the next school year when a handful of new students enroll at CHS.
Hardie said, “The next big thing will probably be at the start of the next semester. So, we’ll have students who will enroll at the semester … and we’re (going) to need to get their records and immunization records, along with students who … still haven’t received them since beginning of school.”
During this lull in the nurses’ jobs, the nurses’ aides continue to help the nurses through small tasks throughout the day. As a nurses’ aide, senior Claudia Shelbourn said the nurses normally don’t need much help, leaving her with extra time which she normally uses to do homework.
Shelbourn said, “It has kind of slowed down here—I mostly just kind of work on homework now. I haven’t really run passes in a few weeks or made any ice packs.”