The school board plans to have an executive session meeting on Nov. 16 at 5 p.m., according to the Carmel Clay Schools website. In addition, the school board will hold a regular session Nov. 23 at 7 p.m. Both will take place at the Educational Services Center. While regular sessions are open to the public, exe
cutive sessions are closed.
According to the website, executive sessions are “used for discussion of sites, litigation, negotiations, and personnel.” The school board will not take action during this event but will take action in subsequent regular meetings.
School board president Layla Spanenberg said, “(During regular sessions), we have our regular board meeting … and that’s when we take action for business, policy, and any decisions that are being made financially. That’s when we take official voting action on more efficient business.”
On Nov. 9, the school board had a workshop session. During this session, the school board approved of disposing of obsolete school equipment. This means the equipment will be given to other schools in the district or offered to non-profit agencies.
Senior Edy Shou said he supported this decision.
“I like it because it’s more beneficial to everyone if they’re giving others old stuff instead of tossing it away,” Shou said. “It’s efficient. Some of the stuff will be added to the large amount of waste already, so it’s better that we reuse them instead of wasting them.”