Opportunities such as the Minumental Art Competition are numerous this semester in the Art Department. The Minumental is an annual themed show and competition and this year the theme is “Sing to Me,” according to art department chairperson Jen Bubp.
“Students are required to base their artwork off of popular songs and song lyrics. It’s a really cool exhibit,” Bubp said. The contest entry deadline is Feb. 2 and the show date will be determined later.
Other opportunities this semester include the Dance Marathon Silent Art Auction on Feb. 24, and the Soho Art Show on March 11.
Senior Rachel Seidensticker will also attend the Scholastic Art Competition Ceremony on Feb. 28, where they will announce national finalists and Gold Key, Silver Key and Honorable Mention award winners. National finalists will go on to show their art at Carnegie Hall in New York City.
“I submitted three pieces and an eight-piece portfolio and they all followed a theme of expression,” Seidensticker said. She added that she used oil paints and graphite as her mediums of choice.
“I got a Gold Key my freshman year but I didn’t get to go to Nationals,” Seidensticker said. “I’m hoping I’ll get there this year.”