According to senior Jenna Oustoiny, she has looked forward to prom for many years.
“Ever since I was little I always looked at all the dresses and couldn’t wait to go to prom. It is surreal that it is already here and a little bit bittersweet but I think we’re definitely ready for it,” Oustoiny said. “These four years have gone by so quickly and slowly at the same time, and I think we have all matured so much from when we first were freshman.”
CHS will host prom on May 7 from 8 to 11 p.m. at 502 East Event Centre. Juniors and seniors can purchase tickets for $40 each until May 6 at 4:05 p.m. through the CHS website or bookstore. Additionally, students must have a student ID to buy them.
Also, according to prom sponsor Jennifer Joiner, juniors and seniors can bring other guests.
She said, “If a student would like to bring an outside guest, guest forms are located in Student Services. The deadline for guest forms is May 4. Once all paperwork has been approved, guest tickets can be purchased online as well as the bookstore.”
Oustoiny said prom will be even more memorable this year for the class of 2022.
Oustoiny said, “Not having it last year makes it feel even more special this year. Senior prom is already important as it is, and because we didn’t have it last year I have much more gratitude and excitement for it because we didn’t get that real prom experience as juniors.”
Senior Katerina Folkin said she agrees and encouraged seniors to consider attending.
“I do not feel like prom has been built up too much for us. Prom is a long-standing tradition that everyone should get to experience at least once in their life.”

This year, the prom theme is Hollywood Nights: A Red Carpet Affair.
According to Joiner, this theme gives students a wide range of attire to choose from.
Joiner said, “Since our theme is Hollywood Nights, if you look at the fashion from this awards season, you can see that there is such a wide range: sleek and classic, sequins, princess dresses, etc. and there is more of a focus on menswear. I guess the question is ‘how do you want to remember yourself on the red carpet?’ Students should be able to look back at this moment and say, ‘I look good. Yes, I did that.’”
Furthermore, Folkin said this theme allowed her the variety of attire she needed to find to express herself.
“Red carpet attire keeps the options of what to wear open. For me, it was definitely a long process trying to find the ‘perfect’ dress, but I am glad to say that I have finally found the one. What someone should wear is up to the individual and allows them to show their individual personality,” Folkin said. “In addition to helping seniors close out their high school years, prom and this specific theme also lets everyone show their individual sense of self.”
Oustoiny agreed and said prom allows students to express themselves through what they wear.
“For me, I’m really excited about the opportunity to dress up and also see everyone else dressed up. This is the only time I will see some of my classmates outside of school and I think that dynamic as well as what everyone will wear allows us to get to see another side of who they are.”
Additionally, Joiner said that she hopes prom will be a way for seniors to celebrate with their classmates.
“I believe prom is one of those lasting memories that many people tend to reflect on when discussing their high school years. To be honest, due to COVID, the Class of 2022 may feel as if they have not been able to enjoy traditional events that are a part of the high school experience,” she said. “While prom may be bittersweet, I think it’s important to make it unforgettable, especially now. It is one of the last opportunities for seniors to celebrate with their class, have fun and look good doing it.”
According to Oustoiny, prom is what you make of it.
Oustoiny said, “Although prom is something we’ve all talked about for years, I feel like there are definitely other ways to form those memorable experiences in high school. Prom just might not be everyone’s thing and that is OK, but for me personally I know it will be an important experience that I look forward to.”
However, Folkin said she is personally excited for prom specifically.
“Prom is an important part of the high school culture that has shaped our experiences. I am looking forward to spending time with my friends, dancing, going to a nice dinner, taking pictures and getting dressed up for this occasion. It’s one of our last nights as a class,” she said. “In the end, I’m going to miss all the experiences and opportunities that high school has given me and I’m really looking forward to this last event.”