The Chemistry Club is going to elect their new officers in their next meeting on Dec. 5. The deadline to turn in the applications to become an officer is Dec. 1. There are two positions available and will mainly be for sophomores and juniors only.
When asked what Chemistry Club is looking for in a Chemistry Club officer, Grace Yang, Chemistry Club officer and a senior said, “(Chemistry Club) wants to make sure (applicants) are committed to Chemistry Club, so (Chemistry Club officers) will look at (the applicant’s) attendance and also (which members) have been in the club for several years so (the applicant) knows what the club is about. Basically people who are genuinely interested in helping out and are genuinely interested in chemistry as well.”
“What I am looking for personally are two people that enjoy chemistry and really want to help members of the school and club chemistry and chemistry topics,” said Aakash Patel, Chemistry Club officer and senior.
Scott Seymour, the sponsor for Chemistry Club, said he differs all club decisions to the students.
Next meeting the officers are also planning an experiment involving burning ethanol.
“The purpose is just to let the members burn off some steam before the finals. So just to get them relaxed,” said Patel. By Avani Gupta