![Senior Kelcy Welch poses for pictures after individually placing first overall at the IHSAA State Final. “We have to put [this] victory behind us for right now and focus on what’s ahead of us” Welch said talking about the transition from the State tournament to the Nike Cross Nationals (NXN).](https://greyhoundmedia.org/sports/files/2013/11/a1-300x276.jpeg)
After qualifying for Nike Cross Nationals (NXN) in Portland, OR by winning the Midwest Nike Cross Regionals (NXR) in Terre Haute, the women’s cross country team takes their preparation to the next level. NXN will take place on Dec. 7 and will feature teams from all around the country. For the past three years, Carmel has placed in the top ten at this event. “We placed seventh in 2010, fifth in 2011, and third in 2010,” Head Coach Mark Ellington said. “If the pattern continues, we will be first this year.”
Leading the charge for Carmel is senior Kelcy Welch who placed first in the IHSAA State Final and fourth overall at NXR. Welch said “We have to put these victories behind us and focus on what is ahead of us.”