Rising Stars, a performing arts club focused on drama and stage productions, have started the school year with new officers and many exciting events planned for the upcoming year.

According to Carolyn Keller, senior and president of the club, some of the events they have planned include the annual hayride to celebrate Halloween and participation in school productions.
In addition, the club will hold its annual end-of-the-year banquet to recognize Rising Stars members for their dedication and to honor those who were accepted as members of the Thespian Society, an organization that recognizes the work of theater students throughout the country.
“It’s an opportunity to meet lots of kids all over the state of Indiana that are interested in theater,” Rising Stars sponsor Jim Peterson said.
Keller said one of the goals for this year is to make things more interactive for members of the club.
“(I want to) make sure we have something really fun and exciting to do for every meeting,” Keller said.
For example, Keller said, every meeting will be themed as a different holiday and members are encouraged to dress up.
Club meetings are on the first Thursday of every month. The next meeting will be on Oct. 4. According to Keller, members of the club will be discussing upcoming performances and opportunities to take part in productions.