According to House cabinet member Zach Post, the first Dance Marathon fundraiser of this school year, a car wash, raised $2,504.14 for Riley Children’s Hospital. After raising $261,229 last year, this is only a drop in the bucket, but according to speaker of the House Meredith Baranowski, it’s a great start with many more fundraisers to come.
The next fundraiser will take place Sept. 28, and every Friday following that Friday until Dance Marathon on Feb. 23, at Tea Budson Main Street. Tea Buds will donate $1 to the Dance Marathon cause for every bubble tea sold.
“For a lot of fundraisers we do, the restaurants are really strict that people have to say that they’re there for DM,” Baranowski said. “This is awesome because it doesn’t matter if Obama walks in and buys a bubble tea, $1 will still go to Riley kids.”
The next event for Riley will not be until Oct. 27, according to House sponsor Sarah Wolff, but “little” fundraisers at restaurants like Tea Buds and Orange Leaf, will continue to help raise money.