Elaina Xiong and Chelsea Yedinak, former speech team members and seniors, met up with speech team sponsors Anna Kaiser and Jacleen Joiner on Sept. 10 to prepare for the call-out meeting scheduled for Sept. 18 in Room E111.
“I think we will have them come in, sit down, and have the former members come in and perform their thing,” Joiner said. “We’ll have some food, and have some people talk about why they were initially interested in speech, and maybe explain what’s appealing about it and why you should join.”
Xiong said she is currently gathering former speech team members to perform at the callout. Senior Nick Navarro is going to perform an impromptu speech; Xiong herself will recite dramatic monologue, and Yedinak will display a commercial.
“I think three people is definitely a solid number of performers. If we get a couple more it would be even better, but three is good if we don’t want to make the meeting too long,” Kaiser said.

On the agenda for the callout is the performance, an overview of events and the typical meet, permission forms, and some time for the prospective members to socialize.
“I’m so excited to get started, because we’ve been talking about it for so long,” Joiner said. “I think it’ll be fun.”
“We’re almost a month away from the first meet. So maybe we’ll meet next week to tell everybody about it and meet one more time just so we’re all on the same page,” Kaiser said.
Joiner and Kaiser discussed learning how to drive a bus in order to provide more convenient transportation to the meet. According to Kaiser, speech team will only use a bus if more than a certain amount of people goes to compete at a speech meet.
Yedinak said she is already looking forward to the meet. “I’m probably most excited for Sectional, so I can try to make State all four years,” Yedinak said.