Chess Club members will participate in a club trip to Dairy Queen in a couple of weeks, according to Sameer Manchanda, club president and senior. Manchanda also said club members are still preparing for club T-shirt sales.
According to club sponsor Margaret Winans, the club often takes trips to different places to eat and play chess.
“I know they’ve gone to Dairy Queen and Panera a couple times as well,” she said.
Manchanda said the club members enjoy playing in a different setting. Manchanda said that although the club has not yet selected a specific date for the event, all students are welcome to participate.
“We basically walk down after school, eat pretty much everything offered on the menu and then play chess like usual,” Manchanda said.
He said registration is not required.
“Anyone who’s at Chess Club that day can come,” Manchanda said.
Jimmy Zhang, senior and club member, said he was looking forward to attending the Dairy Queen walk.
“We’ve done it before and it was a lot of fun,” Zhang said.
Chess Club held its first monthly blitz tournament on Sept. 30. Manchanda said this year the tournaments of speed chess will take place on the last Monday of every month. All students and club members are encouraged to attend. No prior experience is necessary.
Chess Club T-shirt sales are also in progress. According to Manchanda, the club has already selected a design. The club members are now focused on holding an advertising campaign before beginning sales. Additional information can be found on the club Facebook

“Everyone should come out the Dairy Queen walk, it’s going to be a ton of fun,” Zheng said.