The school-wide Brain Game tournament is underway, according to Kushal Shah, Senate Brain Game committee chairperson and senior. The second round will take place on March 3.

SRTs competed in the first round on Feb. 25, Shah said. There will be five rounds total during March and April, followed by semifinals on April 18 and finals on April 24 or April 28. The finals will be broadcasted live on CHTV.
In the Senate-sponsored Brain Game, styled after the televised inter-school Brain Game competitions, SRTs face off in a trivia tournament. Currently, Shah said, Senators are finalizing the brackets that determine which SRTs will compete against one another. The initial rounds are structured by grade, resulting in the winning SRT from each grade will compete in the semifinals. Also, he said, Senators have to compile a list of over 175 questions to use during the competition.
According to Shah, Brain Game is a great way of bringing the school together.
“(Brain Game is) something in which every SRT can participate together,” Shah said via email. “It has its own way of connecting students from different grades and backgrounds and making them take part.”