On March 10 WHJE said it had the honor to win the Indiana Association of School Broadcasters Radio School of the Year award. “It’s the fourth time that we’ve won it in seven years so it adds to recognize the work that the kids do every year and it’s a really nice honor,” Brian Spilbeler, the WHJE radio teacher, said.

To win the award, radio stations have to apply to open entries in January into one or more of the 12 categories. 10 of the categories are prerecorded and sent in to be judged before the ceremony; however two categories are presented live and judged there. WHJE had received first place in four of the 12 categories: Sports Talk Show, Imaging, Spot Production and Live News Anchor.
“It was really great winning the award actually, since we won last year and to bring it home again proves all the work we’ve done has gotten us another award and it’s pretty awesome,” Samuel Pickett, the WHJE program department director and senior, said. WHJE plans to apply to win the award next year as well, as a symbol to all the students’ hard work and planning throughout the year.