ComedySportz will play its last home matches of the season on April 21 and 22 at 7 p.m. in the Studio Theater. Tickets will be available at the door or online at
According to sponsor Jim Peterson, ComedySportz has had a highly successful season. Peterson said, “So far, we’re undefeated at home, which is awesome. We’ve actually won some away matches, which is pretty rare, but it’s great when the kids are funny enough that the opposing audience feels like they deserve to win.”
The season’s last matches will also provide an opportunity for the team to showcase their growth and improvement throughout the season. Aaron Guevara, ComedySportz member and senior said, “Well, we have definitely improved on teamwork most of all. ComedySportz is a very team-oriented sport, and in order to perform well it’s important to know the comedy styles of your teammates and work with them to bring those out in the matches. The team has gotten very close and that definitely comes out onstage. We’ve gotten a lot more comfortable performing with one another.”
Overall, it is at these last matches that ComedySportz is expected to have their strongest performances. Peterson said, “I think confidence is a big thing. They’ve really gotten a lot more confident. It’s kind of scary to go out there and try to be funny, so I think they’ve really gained a lot of confidence in feeling like they can actually make people laugh.”
ComedySportz prepares for season’s final home matches on April 21 and 22
March 25, 2016
ComedySportz warms up before practice by playing a game called “Boom Shakalaka.” They used this game to begin practice by getting themselves into a comedic mindset. PHOTO/ JESSICA KONRAD