Taylor Emrick, Baking a Difference club president and senior, texts the new vice president, Morgan Goodrich, to plan their next meeting. She chose Goodrich to be the vice president last year. “I’m really excited to see what the club can do this year,” Emrick said.
Taylor Emrick, Baking a Difference club president and senior, has not had a meeting nor has she planned one for the new school year. Although she hasn’t gotten the club started yet, she said she thinks, “the club will be a great success this year with the new vice president since we have different extracurricular schedules, we will will always have someone who is able to host a meeting.” In May of 2017, Emrick chose Morgan Goodrich, junior, to be the club’s vice president this school year.
Goodrich joined the club near the end of last year. She said Emrick asked her to be vice president because they “balance each other out and hold each other accountable for things.” As they have started to discuss ideas, they said they continue to gain excitement. The presidents said they want to start the year off by donating treats to Brooke’s Place, which is a social service organization for grieving children.
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