As TEDx has finalized its speakers for its Dec. 1 conference, members of the club are deciding on more details for the conference, such as what the conference logo will be.
Ally Eaton, TEDx Event Planning committee head and senior, said, “It’s not really a logo, but we have a main picture for each of the events that we have.”
According to Eaton, this picture will be designed in the next two to three weeks and will be displayed on all flyers and posters that advertise the event.
Each conference for TEDx is based off of a central theme, and the theme for the upcoming conference is “In a New Light.” This was the same theme that was used in the mini-conference that was hosted in the spring, but according to Selin Oh, TEDx president and senior, the speakers will be different in December.
In addition, Allison Hargrove, TEDx sponsor and social studies teacher, said that this year the club has gained a number of new members who will be able to help the returning members in planning out this conference.