Artist’s Association has a booth set up for the Winter Formal which has been pushed forward for Feb. 10 due to frigid weather. In light of the new year, the club plans to sell handmade art at their booth to help fund activities for future meetings.
Terri Xie, Artist’s Association president and senior said they aim to make this club enjoyable for newcomers.
“With this new year, I want more students to join without feeling like it’s too late to join or that they can’t join because they don’t have any friends in the club,” Xie said. “I think our club is really welcoming to newcomers and it might be more fun this semester since we’re doing new prompts every meeting.”
Instead of working on individual projects at each monthly club meeting, Ren Olson, co-president and senior, said club expenses are rising as prompts are more creative.
“I actually spent a ton on our art prompt for the first meeting of this year,” Olson said. “Basically, it was a charcoal drawing and you touch your face as you draw with the charcoal which can get expensive so I’m really hoping that the Winter Formal helps with the ease of funding our club.”
Andrew Murray, club sponsor and visual arts teacher, said he is proud of the club and their ideas for meetings.
“They know what they’re doing and I mostly sit and watch the club officers through creative processes,” Murray said. “It’s nice seeing students so eager to try new art techniques and we’re just trying to make it a fun and relaxing club for kids.”