This year, the Carmel International Arts Festival will sponsor a Young Artist tent and feature the artwork of approximately 80 CHS students. Tents from this event will be set up along Main Street on the Arts District from 10 to 6 p.m. Sept. 25 and 10 to 5 p.m. Sept. 26.
“Now that we have the art district, it’s really nice because the festival runs along Main Street,” art department chair Jen Davis said.
According to Davis, over 200 professional artists will sell and show their artwork there while being judged in various categories and awarded prizes. The categories are photography, beginning drawing, advanced drawing, painting, fiber, ceramics and jewelry.
“The Carmel Arts Council approached us asking if we wanted to participate in a Young Artist tent,” Davis said. Students from University High School will also be presenting their artwork at the festival.
Art teacher Kevin Daly is an advocate of the art fair and is trying to get student volunteers to participation. “I’m going to be out of town so since I can’t be there, I’d like to have a lot of students there,” Daly said.
Student volunteers will work in one-hour shifts. They are expected to set up the artwork, protect the art, answer questions and take down the display at the end of each day. By Katie Walstrom <>