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Green Action Club Members

Club Spotlight: Green Action Club

Siri Surapaneni May 17, 2022

Club sponsor Carey Anderson  Q: What has been your favorite event you’ve put on this year? A: There’s just too many. So I’m a district representative for our district and I come back...

Carmel students address climate change; think globally, act locally

Avery Thorpe May 3, 2019

According to The National Climate Change Assessment, “Over the last 50 years, much of the United States. has seen increases in prolonged periods of excessively elevated temperatures, heavy downpours,...

Kian Robinson, club member and junior, talks to Ben Ring, club officer and junior, about Environmental Action Club.

Environmental Action Club looks to involve more students

Laasya Mamidipalli April 16, 2019

Environmental Action Club is preparing to reach out to more students in order to grow the club during the next school year. Kian Robinson, club member and junior, said, “I think the biggest change is...

Kian Robinson, club member and junior, takes notes on volunteering opportunities.

Environmental Action Club looks forward to Eagle Creek volunteer opportunity

Laasya Mamidipalli March 22, 2019

Ben Ring, Environmental Action Club officer and junior, said, “The Invasive Species Strike Team at Eagle Creek looks like a great volunteer opportunity. This involves locally identifying and removing...

Carmel fights against invasive species with EDDMapS app

Carmel fights against invasive species with EDDMapS app

Natalie Khamis February 22, 2019

On March 11, Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation will host an informative event regarding the Early Detection and Distribution Mapping System (EDDMapS) open to the public at the Monon Community Center....

Kian Robinson, club member and junior, talks with Ben Ring, club officer and junior, about the upcoming events.

Environmental Action Club to participate in new events, activities

Laasya Mamidipalli February 1, 2019

Environmental Action Club members are looking for new opportunities to volunteer in the community as a club. Kian Robinson, club member and junior, said, “While in the past we have focused on bringing...

Recycling Renovations: New recycling policy is an improvement, but would benefit from clearer instructions

Recycling Renovations: New recycling policy is an improvement, but would benefit from clearer instructions

December 13, 2018

In this day and age, with the planet’s temperature consistently increasing and sea levels rising, it’s vital to make little changes to culminate to a greater overall effect. However, it’s not hard...

Kian Robinson, club member and junior, reads an article in a magazine about green initiatives.

Environmental Action Club begins planning for first semester

Laasya Mamidipalli September 20, 2018

Environmental Action Club is brainstorming ideas for new initiatives they will take to make the school more environmentally friendly. Kian Robinson, club member and junior says, “This...

Kian Robinson, club member and junior, prepares for the Environmental Action Club call out meeting.

Environmental Action Club Makes Plans to Start off New School Year

Laasya Mamidipalli September 3, 2018

Ben Ring, Environmental Action club officer and junior, says, “The call out meeting is after school on Sept. 10 in room B207, and the club typically meets the second Monday of every month.” Ring...

Club member Kian Robinson and Ben Ring discuss upcoming plans. The club plans to  have a guest speaker on Nov. 16.

Environmental Action Club plans for Nov. 16 meeting on factory farming

Laasya Mamidipalli November 6, 2017

According to Kian Robinson, Environmental Action Club member and sophomore, said Environmental Action Club plants to meet Nov 16 and discuss factory farming. “Our next meeting is Nov. 16, we have a guest...

Club member Kian Robinson writes the agenda for the upcoming meeting on Nov. 19.

Environmental Action Club prepares for a second guest speaker

Laasya Mamidipalli October 19, 2017

Following through with the Environmental Action Club’s initial plan to bring in speakers more often this year, at the past meeting a guest speaker came in, and similarly at the upcoming meeting, another...

Club members Kian Robinson and Ben Ring discuss the schedule to bring in their guest speaker.

Environmental Action Club focuses on food waste and food quality

Laasya Mamidipalli September 22, 2017

This semester, Environmental Action Club will focus on food waste and related topics. Within the vast subject, club members have decided to put their attention specifically on smaller aspects that many...

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