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Robert Sanchez, Goalball Club president and sophomore, tapes down a temporary court. Sanchez said he might find a secondary sponsor due to Goalball Club sponsor Dave Romano’s commitments in the district as well as a track coach for Creekside Middle School.

Goalball Club continues with plans to make court portable

Christina Yang March 12, 2018

According to Robert Sanchez, Goalball Club president and sophomore, he is still trying to create a portable goalball court due to the fact that it takes too long to set up before playing and take down...

Robert Sanchez, Goalball Club president and sophomore, tapes down a temporary court. Sanchez said because it takes too long to set up and take down the court every meeting, he is working on a portable court design.

Goalball Club plans to make portable court

Christina Yang February 1, 2018

  According to Robert Sanchez, Goalball Club president and sophomore, he has been trying to create a portable goalball court.     Sanchez said, “Last year, we would have to tape down the ropes,...

Robert Sanchez, Goalball Club president and sophomore, talks with Alexandra Lawburg ‘17, former Goalball Club member and alumna, about club developments. Sanchez said the club has been working on drills and improving its skills as a team.​

Goalball Club will not meet within next three weeks

Christina Yang January 18, 2018

According to Robert Sanchez, Goalball Club president and sophomore, there are no planned meetings for the near future. “I’m not sure yet what I want to do second semester because it’s my first year...

Goalball Club sponsor Dave Romano tapes down a temporary court before the club members start playing. Sanchez said they will play in the main cafeteria after school whenever club members are available.

Goalball Club continue to teach new players

Christina Yang November 20, 2017

According to Robert Sanchez, Goalball Club president and sophomore, the club plans to have another meeting so he can continue to teach the new players how to play the sport. “I just want to focus on...

Goalball Club plan to have meeting within three weeks

Goalball Club plan to have meeting within three weeks

Christina Yang, Reporter October 20, 2017

According to Robert Sanchez, Goalball Club president and sophomore, he plans to have a meeting soon, hopefully within the next three weeks. “Sooner or later, I’m going to be getting a group of people...

Robert Sanchez, new Goalball Club president and sophomore, talks with Alexandra Lawburg ‘17, former Goalball Club member and alumna, about club developments. Sanchez said, at some point, he wants the club to participate in a bigger goalball tournament this year.

Goalball Club postpones meetings, continues to prepare for the year

Christina Yang September 8, 2017

According to Goalball Club sponsor Dave Romano, the club will be on a short hiatus due to his district commitments; however, he said Robert Sanchez, new Goalball Club president and sophomore, has already...

Chris Avilla, member of the Goalball team at the Indiana School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (ISBVI), is preparing to launch the ball into the opponent’s goal. The CHS Goalball Club travels to ISBVI every Thursday night to practice, judge and even help coach the Goalball team at ISBVI. CHRISTINA YANG//PHOTO

Goalball Club to expand, will host call-out meetings Aug. 29, Sept. 1

Beats August 31, 2016

According to Goalball Club president Allyson LaFon and sponsor Dave Romano, Goalball Club will hold its first call-out meetings on Aug. 29 and Sept. 1. The club members are trying to recruit as many members...

Goalball Club to participate in goalball tournament on April 23

Goalball Club to participate in goalball tournament on April 23

Beats April 21, 2016

According to Goalball Club sponsor Dave Romano, members will play in a goalball tournament, hosted by former CHS students Sean Edwards and Ben Callaway, at Purdue on April 23rd. “(Although club members)...

Goalball Club changes meeting dates

Goalball Club changes meeting dates

Beats March 23, 2016

According to Allyson Lafon, Goalball Club president and junior, Goalball Club will change its meeting date. In lieu of meeting on Monday afternoons at CHS, club members will meet at Indiana Schools for...

Goalball Club works on various projects to promote awareness for the sport

Goalball Club works on various projects to promote awareness for the sport

Beats March 1, 2016

According to Goalball Club sponsor Dave Romano, members have been meeting on Thursdays to practice their playing skills with the adult team at the Blind School. Allyson Lafon, Goalball Club president...

Goalball team to play in upcoming tournament, Goalball Club members to meet to raise awareness about blindness

Goalball team to play in upcoming tournament, Goalball Club members to meet to raise awareness about blindness

Beats February 16, 2016

After the goalball team took second place in their Fort Wayne tournament, both the Goalball Club and team will participate in a Michigan goalball tournament on Feb. 20 and 21. According to sponsor...

Goalball Club to shift their attention to community events and tournaments

Goalball Club to shift their attention to community events and tournaments

Beats January 25, 2016

As winter sports take up all the gym space, regular Goalball Club meetings will consist of walking around the school blindfolded, planning events, and one-on-one scrimmaging. This, however, creates a new...

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