House is planning fundraising events through January and February to raise money for Dance Marathon. Included are the restaurant fundraisers from last year, along with a tailgate before the men’s basketball game on Feb. 25 – the day before Dance Marathon. The Qdoba fundraiser is the first of these, on Jan. 12 from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.
According to speaker of the House David Chiang, proceeds from the fundraisers and the tailgate will go towards Dance Marathon.
“The restaurant fundraisers are just partnerships with businesses we’re close with,” Chiang said. “As for the basketball tailgate, people pay a set price to just eat, drink and hangout with friends.”
House sponsor Sarah Wolff said that there is also a Chick-fil-A dinner night fundraiser on Jan. 26 and 27, and that Cold Stone Creamery will be selling ice cream at the school lunches on Jan. 21 and 28 and Feb. 4 and 11.
“We’ve been with Cold Stone for so long – five years now – so we have some loyalty with them,” Wolff said.
Chiang also said that there is an additional fundraising opportunity with Chick-fil-A on Feb. 2 and 16.
“On these late starts, we’ll just be selling chicken sandwiches to students at different entrances of the school,” Chiang said.
According to Wolff, the concept for these fundraisers is that for the nights you go out, you pick up a voucher from the high school and turn it in with your meal.
“20 percent will go to Riley in the name of Carmel Dance Marathon,” Wolff said. “You’re going to eat anyway, so you might as well go out with friends and support a good cause.”
Chiang said that HotBox Pizza and Noodles & Company are also having a dual fundraiser, but the date is currently uncertain.
“This year we decided to drop Max & Erma’s because HotBox was aggressively pursuing us for a partnership,” Chiang said. “Hopefully we will establish a long-term relationship with them.”
“Anybody can go to these fundraisers,” Wolff said. “You don’t even need to be someone going to Dance Marathon. These fundraisers are usually well-attended and there are a lot of high school students at them, so they are a lot of fun.” By David Zheng <>