For the last series of events planned for this school year, the media staff members are planning to host the annual all-day presentation session on May 10. The event will consist of Vietnam War veterans coming into the media center and talking to social studies classes about the Vietnam War, according to media department chairperson Bonnie Grimble.

“The media center will be closed all day for (the event),” Grimble said. “It will be open only to social studies classes participating in the program.”
According to Grimble, the media staff members are working with social studies teacher James Ziegler to host around 18 to 24 Vietnam veterans. Various types of presentations will be displayed, ranging from talks to artifacts to music.
“I think it is a fabulous event,” Grimble said. “It is an excellent immersion into the 1960s decade with the focus on a struggling time period in the U.S. history. Hearing the positives and negatives of the Vietnam War from eyewitnesses is just an amazing educational experience.”
Junior Blake Patteson said that though he personally forgets the information presented and walks way, there are still students who learn from the experience.
“There are people who do get out of it, and we should continue to have these presentations just for them if no other reason,” Patteson said.
Besides the Vietnam event, Grimble said that all library materials will be due on May 15.
Concerning the Rosie votes, Grimble said that the year-long Rosie voting has just ended, and the votes will be turned into the state association.
“The winner will be announced before the school ends,” Grimble said. “I’m looking forward to it.”