On March 22, Chess Club won first place in the team state tournament.
According to Sameer Manchanda, club president and senior, this is the third year in a row the Carmel teams have won. Sponsor Margaret Winans said the most recent addition to the growing Chess Club trophy collection has a place of pride in her classroom. The club sent two teams to the tournament, both of which placed in the state competition.
Joe Philleo, club member and sophomore, was on the team that ranked first in the state.

“It felt really great to be able to continue the tradition and represent Carmel High School as best as we all could,” he said.
Philleo said the main focus of the club will shift now that the main tournament of the year has ended. The club will now focus on training future team and club members. Philleo said the club will lose a lot of members when the seniors graduate, including the president.
According to Manchanda, however, there are still many things to complete before the year ends. Club T-shirts are on the agenda, as they have still not yet been ordered. Manchanda said students and club members may still order club T-shirts, although he plans on ordering them soon. Additional information regarding club T-shirt sales can be found on the club Facebook page.
As usual, Manchanda encourages students to come visit Chess Club as all students are welcome, and they now have the opportunity to play with state champions